September 15, 2011 Regular Meeting with Public Hearing on Budget
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order (7:00 p.m.)1. Attendance Minutes: Members present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3; Frank Farrell, District 4 and Lisa Graham, Distirct 5. Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present.
Public Hearing on the BudgetBusiness Affairs
2. Review the Rolled-Back Rate Calculation and the 2011-12 MillagesAttachment: reveiw the rolled back rate-20110902092435518.pdf Minutes: Dr. George Copeland, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, advised the Board that the TRIM Guidelines have been followed to the letter. Dr. Copeland then provided a final review of the Rolled-Back Rate Calculation and the 2011-2012 Millages. Since the total mill levy is less than the rolled-back rate, a tax increase was not necessary. 3. Review 2011-2012 Final BudgetAttachment: review final budget-20110902092446117.pdf Minutes: Dr. Copeland reviewed the final budget for all funds for 2011-2012. The total budget will be $310,760,231. 4. Review the 2011/12 – 2015/16 Final Educational Facilities PlanAttachment: EFP 2011_12.pdf Attachment: Work Program 2011_12.pdf Minutes: Jim Connell, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, provided a brief summary of the Educational Facilities Plan. The tentative plan was presented to the Board at a workshop on July 12, 2011 and tentative approval at a special meeting on August 1, 2011. He reminded the Board that no PECO funds have been allocated to maintain our current facilities. Public Hearing
5. Public Hearing for Speakers regarding the 2011-12 Millages and Final Budget and the 2011-12-2015-16 Final Education Facilities Plan Minutes: Frank Farrell, Board Chairman, opened the Public Hearing. Steve Richards spoke on the budget and its affect on employees. With no other speakers present, Mr. Farrell closed the Public Hearing.
Action Items
6. Adopt the 2011-12 Required Local Effort Mill LevyAttachment: adopt-required local mill levy-20110902092504950.pdf
Motions: | Motion to adopt the required local effort mill levy of 5.479 which is (4.13) percent less than the rolled-back rate. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
7. Adopt the 2011-12 Discretionary Mill LevyAttachment: adopt-discretionary mill levy-20110902092530094.pdf
Motions: | Motion to adopt the discretionary mill levy of 0.748 which is (6.05) percent less than the rolled-back rate. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
8. Adopt the 2011-12 Discretionary Critical Needs (Operating) Mill LevyAttachment: adopt-discretionary critical needs (operating) mill levy-20110902092542229.pdf
Motions: | Motion to adopt the supplement critical operating needs mill levy of 0.250 which is (6.05) percent less than the rolled-back rate. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Second: Janice Kerekes | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
9. Adopt the 2011-12 Capital Improvement Fund Mill LevyAttachment: adopt-capital improvement fund mill levy-20110902092542229.pdf
Motions: | Motion to adopt the capital improvement fund mill levy of 1.50 which is (6.05) percent less than the rolled-back rate. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Carol Studdard | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
10. Adopt the 2011-12 Total Mill LevyAttachment: adopt total mill levy-20110902092607814.pdf
Motions: | Motion to adopt the total mill levy of 7.977 which is (4.74) percent less than the rolled-back rate. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
11. Approval of the Final 2011/12 – 2015/16 Educational Facilities PlanAttachment: EFP 2011_12.pdf Attachment: Work Program 2011_12.pdf
Motions: | Approve the Educational Facilities Plan. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
12. Adopt the Final Budget for 2011-12Attachment: adopt final budget-20110902092816900.pdf
Motions: | Adopt the Final 2011-12 Budget totaling $310,760,231 | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Second: Janice Kerekes | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
13. Resolution Determining Revenues and Millages LeviedAttachment: resolution determing revenues and millages levied-20110902092845961.pdf Minutes: Dr. George Copeland presented a Resolution Determining Critical Needs Revenues and Millages Levied.
Motions: | Adopt Resolution Determining Revenues and Millages Levied. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Janice Kerekes | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
Motion Minutes: Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, read Resolution 524 into the minutes. 14. Resolution Determining Critical Needs Revenues and Millages LeviedAttachment: resolution determining criitcal needs revenues & millages levied-20110902092902473.pdf
Motions: | Adopt Resolution Determining Critical Needs Revenues and Millages Levied. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
Motion Minutes: Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, read Resolution 524(a) into the minutes.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
15. C-1 Minutes of Special Meeting on August 1, 2011, Special Pupil Request Hearings and Regular Board Meeting on August 18, 2011Attachment: MinsSpecMtg 8-18-11.pdf Attachment: MinsSPR 8-18-2011.pdf Attachment: MinsRegMtg 8-18-11.pdf School Board Attorney
16. C-2 Interlocal Agreement to Sell Diesel Fuel to the Board of County Commission for Use of Emergency Vehicles in the McRae AreaAttachment: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CCSB.pdf Human Resources
17. C-4 Agreement with Saint Leo University for Discount Educational Provider ProgramAttachment: Saint Leo Discount Program 9-15-11.pdf 18. C-5 Personnel Consent AgendaAttachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 9-15-11.pdf Instruction
19. C-6 Student TravelAttachment: Student Travel-September, 2011.pdf 20. C-7 Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement (Dual Enrollment) 2011-2012Attachment: Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement-Dual Enrollment-2011-2012.pdf 21. C-8 Out-of-State Travel For Jessica Wineberg to Atlanta, GA, October 19, 2011Attachment: Travel-September, 2011.pdf 22. C-10 Challenge Enterprises Agreement 2011-2012.Attachment: CHALLENGE ENTERPRISES AGREEMENT 11 12.pdf 23. C-11 Co-Enrollee list for August 2011Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for August 2011.pdf (Confidential Item) 24. C-12 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School UpdateAttachment: BLC placements.pdf 25. C-13 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Green Cove Springs Police DepartmentAttachment: GCSPD SEAA.pdf 26. C-14 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Orange Park Police DepartmentAttachment: OPPD SEAA.pdf 27. C-15 School Affiliation Agreement between CCSD and Orange Park Medical CenterAttachment: schoolaffiliationagree.pdf Business Affairs
28. C-16 Monthly Property Report - August, 2011 - Furniture/EquipmentAttachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-August, 11.pdf 29. C-17 Monthly Property Report - August, 2011 - AV MaterialsAttachment: Audiovisual Report-August, 11.pdf 30. C-18 Monthly Property Report - August, 2011 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-August, 11.pdf 31. C-19 Monthly Property Report - August, 2011 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-August, 11.pdf 32. C-20 Deletion of Certain Items Report - September, 2011Attachment: Deletion Report-September, 11.pdf Attachment: Deletion Report-(Attachments), September, 11.pdf 33. C-21 2010-2011 Fiscal Year Program Cost ReportAttachment: FYCA-ACE.pdf Attachment: Fund 4 Cont Programs.pdf Attachment: Fund 5 SFSF.pdf Attachment: Fund 6 ARRA.pdf Attachment: Fund 7 Other ARRA.pdf Attachment: Fund 8 Race To Top.pdf Attachment: Fund 9 Ed Jobs Fund.pdf 34. C-22 Superintendent's Annual Financial Report for the FYE 6-30-2011Attachment: ESE 348.pdf 35. C-23 Budget Amendments for the Month of June 2011Attachment: budget cover sheet_impact stmt_.pdf Attachment: June 2011 Budget Amend.pdf 36. C-24 Bid to Be Awarded September 2011Attachment: 9_15_11 Release Letter W.W. Gay Fire & Integrated SystemsAgenda Renewal.pdf 37. C-25 Bid Renewals September 2011 38. C-26 Warrants and Vouchers for August, 2011Attachment: Warrants & Vouchers, August, 2011.pdf Support Services
39. C-27 Final Completion of Middleburg High School Fire Alarm ReplacementAttachment: Final compl MHS Fire Alarm.pdf 40. C-28 Final Completion of Montclair Elementary School Panelboard Replacement Buildings 1 - 3Attachment: Final compl MCE.pdf 41. C-29 Final Completion of Clay High School Roof Replacement Building 2 & 9/HVAC Rooftop Unit Replacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3Attachment: CHS Roof.HVAC RTU Replacement Final Completion.pdf 42. C-30 Final Completion of Ridgeview High School Air Handling Unit Replacement Buildings 1 & 3Attachment: RVHS AHU Bldg 1 Final Completion.pdf 43. C-31 Substantial and Final Completion of McRae Elementary School Lightning Protection SystemAttachment: Sub compl MRE Lightning Prot.pdf Attachment: Final compl MRE Lightning Prot.pdf 44. C-32 Substantial and Final Completion of Wilkinson Junior High School Lightning Protection SystemAttachment: Sub compl WJH Lightning Prot.pdf Attachment: Final compl WJH Lightning Prot.pdf 45. C-33 Substantial and Final Completion of Orange Park High School HVAC Roof Top Unit Replacement Building 1Attachment: Sub compl OPH HVAC.pdf Attachment: Final compl OPH HVAC.pdf 46. C-34 Substantial and Final Completion of Keystone Heights High School Condensing Unit Replacement Building 9Attachment: Sub compl KHH Condensing Unit.pdf Attachment: Final compl KHH Condensing Unit.pdf 47. C-35 Substantial Completion of Lake Asbury Elementary School Panelboard/Switch Gear Replacement Buildings 1 – 3 & 20Attachment: Sub compl LAE panelboards.pdf 48. C-36 Substantial Completion of Keystone Heights High School Panelboard Replacement/Switch Gear Buildings 1 - 3 & PortablesAttachment: Sub compl KHH Panelboards.pdf 49. C-37 Deductive Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) for Middleburg Elementary School Building 1 RemodelAttachment: CO 3 MBE Bldg 1 Remodel.pdf 50. C-38 Additive Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) for Clay High School Roof Replacement Buildings 2 & 9/HVAC Rooftop Unit Replacement Buildings 1, 2 & 3Attachment: CO 3 CHS Roof.HVAC Replacement.pdf 51. C-39 Additive Change Order #5 for Lake Asbury Elementary School Panelboard/Switch Gear Replacement Buildings 1 - 3 & 20Attachment: CO 5 LAE panelboards.pdf 52. C-40 Additive Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Middleburg High School Lighting and Ceiling Replacement (Phase II)Attachment: CO 4 MBHS Ceiling & Lighting Replacement.pdf 53. C-41 Additive Change Order #4 for Middleburg Elementary School Building 1 RemodelAttachment: CO 4 MBE Bldg 1 Remodel.pdf 54. C-42 Additive Change Order #3 for Keystone Heights High School Panelboard Replacement/Switch Gear Buildings 1 - 3 and PortablesAttachment: CO 3 KHH Panelboards.pdf 55. C-43 Additive Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Ridgeview Elementary School Chiller Replacement & Air Handling Unit Replacement Buildings 1 & 3Attachment: CO 2 RVE Chiller.AHU Replacement.pdf 56. C-44 Additive Change Order #3 for Ridgeview Elementary School Chiller Replacement & Air Handling Unit Replacement Buildings 1 & 3Attachment: CO 3 RVE Chiller & AHU Replacement Bldgs 1 & 3.pdf 57. C-45 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Contractor List 9,15,11.pdf 58. C-46 Project Priority List (P.P.L.) to Identify Eligible Projects for C.O. & D.S. ExpendituresAttachment: PPL 2012.pdf 59. C-47 Clay County Utility Authority Easement for RideOut Elementary SchoolAttachment: CCUA Easement, ROE.pdf Attachment: CCUA Request.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda60. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items Minutes: Consent Agenda items C-3 - Proposed Staff Allocation Changes for 2011-2012 and C-9 - Out-of-State Travel were pulled to the Discussion Agenda by Board Chairman Frank Farrell.
Motions: | Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of C-3 and C-9, which have been moved to Discussion. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards61. Best of Show Elementary Media Festival Winners Minutes: PLEDGE PATROL - Tristan Whitley - Clay Hill Elementary, Grades K-2 - Best of Show. Kelly Robinson, Media Specialist and Larry Davis, Principal, were present.
RECYCLING ROCKS - Cody Evans & Paige Agnew - Clay Hill Elementary, Grades 3-5 Best of Show. Kelly Robinson, Media Specialist.
Scheduled Citizen Requests62. Mr. Mel Siebold - Bus Stop and School Bus Safety Minutes: Mr. Siebold expressed his concerns on a bus stop safety issue. He addressed bullying issues and the possibility of educating children on how to file a thorough report and maybe have a specific person at the school for children to go to. Gang activity was also discussed.
Presenters63. Ms. Stephanie Kopelousos, County Manager - Resolution of Appreciation Minutes: Ms. Stephanie Kopelousos, County Manager, presented the School Board with a Resolution of Appreciation for the School District's collegial spirit in allowing the use of athletic fields by the youth of our community. Specifically named were: Jim Connell, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services, Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, Treasure Pickett, Principal and Mike Elia, Assistant Principal of Orange Park High School.
Discussion AgendaSchool Board Members
64. Parent Notification of LEA Improvement or Corrective Action StatusAttachment: Corrective Action Letter 11-12.pdf Minutes: Mr. Van Zant questioned the reason for sending the Notification of Corrective Action letter, when Clay County is an "A" and a High Performing District. We may be better served by placing the information in a news letter where a qualifying statement could be made giving credit to our High Performing District status.
With consensus of the Board, the letter will be sent out via the district newsletter.
Motions: | Discuss dissemination of notice to all parents. | - | | Vote Results | Motion: | Second: |
Deputy Superintendent
65. Legislative Priorities - 2012Attachment: 2012 Legislative Priorities2 9-15-11.pdf Minutes: Mr. Van Zant presented copies of the revised Legislative Priorities to the Board. Since there will be no new funding, we are requesting that the Legislature deregulate High Performing Districts and allow us to use the funds that we have received to do what is best for our students.
Superintendent Wortham reminded the Board members that the Legislative Delegation will meet at the Board of County Commissioners Board Room in the Clay County Administration Building on October 12, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Farrell encouraged the Board members to attend.
Motions: | Approve 2012 Legislative Priorities as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Janice Kerekes | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
66. C-3 (Farrell) Proposed Staff Allocation Changes for 2011-2012Attachment: Allocation Summary 2 - Current Backup September, 2011.pdf Minutes: Mr. Farrell pointed out that of the $1,322,103 proposed staff allocation changes, most of the cost is to meet the Class Size Amendment requirements.
Superintendent Wortham informed the Board that we are currently over enrollment projection by 135-140 students. He also explained how funding from various sources, plus frozen positions will help the district remain in compliance with the Class Size requirements.
Motions: | Approve 2011-2012 staff allocation changes as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
Human Resources
67. Human Resources - Special Action BAttachment: HR Special Action B 9-15-11.pdf (Confidential Item) Minutes:
Motions: | Motion amended to read "10-day suspension without pay and termination or resignation after first semester. Placement as Administrator on Assignment, with no student contact. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
68. Human Resources - Special Action CAttachment: HR Special Action C 9-15-11.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions: | Approve the action as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Carol Studdard | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
69. Human Resources - Special Action AAttachment: HR Special Action 9-15-11.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions: | Approve item as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
70. C-9 (Farrell) Out-of-State Travel Minutes: Paul Parker, Director of Career and Technical Education, gave a brief overview of the Agri-Science Program. He also shared information on what students will have access to by attending the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Georgia, on October 19, 2011. The cost will be absorbed by the students.
Motions: | Approve travel as submitted | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
Support Services
71. Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Orange Park High School Renovate/Remodel West Campus Minutes: Jim Connell, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, reviewed the renovation plans for the Orange Park High School west campus facilities. The structure, built in 1958, is not energy efficient and needs to be upgraded. Upon completion of the project Adult and Community Education, Career and Technical Education, Clay Virtual School and the updated Culinary Arts suite will be housed within this facility, as well as the Clay County Sheriff's Office Sub-station. This project is expected to be complete in January, 2013.
Motions: | Approve the Plans and Specifications. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charles Van Zant, Jr. | Second: Janice Kerekes | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
72. Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Ridgeview High School Cafeteria Expansion Minutes: Mr. Connell gave a brief explanation of the expansion of the cafeteria at Ridgeview High School, including moving their bus loop. This renovation will bring Ridgeview High up to the same capacity as all other high schools.
Motions: | Approve the Plans and Specifications. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Aye |
73. School Board Member RedistrictingAttachment: SB Members Redistricting Plan_Desc.pdf Attachment: SB Members Redistricting Plan B2_desc.pdf Minutes: Plan1-CCSB and B2 Plan - BCC were provided for review of the Board. Mr. Connell informed Board members that both plans meet the requirement of distributing the population of the county within acceptable tolerances. Board Chairman, Frank Farrell, summed up the action that needed to be taken with this item. A lengthy discussion ensued.
Board Comments:
1) Charlie Van Zant distributed a handout to the Board members giving his rationale for supporting the B2 Plan for redistricting.
2) Frank Farrell emphasized a commitment to community schools and that the Board must be global in nature. The Board of County Commissioners are accountable to only their "single-member" constituency.
3) Janice Kerekes indicated she feels that it is important for Fleming Island to have a sense of "community" and Plan 1 would provide that need.
4) Carol Studdard reiterated that according to the Supervisor of Elections there would be no significant cost savings with B2 Plan and Board members are on all ballots anyway.
5) Lisa Graham felt we should be "team players" with the County Commissioners making school districts more aligned with the commissioner districts and therefore would support B2.
Plan 1 was selected by vote of 3 aye and 2 nay votes. Mr. Connell will advertise Plan 1.
Speakers: Gavin Rollins of Keystone Heights voiced his thoughts on the concept of Plan B2 and Steve Richards voiced his thoughts on Plan 1.
Motions: | Discussion of both plans, selection of a plan and authorization to advertise a public hearing for the selected plan. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Carol Studdard | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Nay | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Charles Van Zant, Jr. | - Nay |
Presentations from the Audience (None) Superintendent Requests74. Board Meeting Request Minutes: Superintendent Wortham requested a Special Board Meeting for October in order to approve Out-of-Field Teachers as late as possible during the FTE week. The Board agreed, the meeting will be held Thursday, October 13 at 4:00 p.m. in the Superintendent's Conference room at 900 Walnut Street in Green Cove Springs.
The Superintendent reminded the Board that the November Organization meeting, which is prescribed by Florida Statutes, will be Tuesday, November 22, 2011, two days before Thanksgiving.
School Board's Requests75. Comments Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes complimented Alisa Jones and the Instructional Resources Department on the OneClay TV that is now up and running.
Mr. Van Zant inquired about information on filling the administrator position at Keystone Heights High School.
Mrs. Studdard, after a follow-up with the Student Services Department, reported on the 966 homeless students in Clay County.
Attorney's Requests (None) Adjournment (10:30 pm) |